All of the work presented on this blog is © Joanna Peterson.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Writing Class

In January I signed up for a writing class. It's a 2 year Novel class. It's supposed to help develop characters, themes, settings, plots, etc. and basically help develop and hone my writing skills.

It's hard! I've been so behind that I'm just barely catching up. I just finished Friday's assignment. We were supposed to list out all of the characters in our book and what they do/who they are, and if they are the protagonist, antagonist, or secondary characters. I wrote out my list. It's huge. And full of a ton of secondary characters. We just finished up developing our characters this week, so I hope that soon we'll be able to get down to writing. I cannot wait to work on this story!

Stay tuned for more updates. I'm thinking this one will either be called Lost or Broken. I haven't quite decided. We'll see how everything turns out. Who knows? Maybe it will end up with something completely different. ;)


  1. I always stress about those kind of things. I am not good at the planning stages ;)

    1. I am more of a start writing and figure it out later type of person. This planning thing is a real challenge for me. :)
